Sunday, March 18, 2012

Definition Essay

Diana Zuniga
English 101
Mrs. Ragsdell
Definition Essay
The “American Dream”
                The “American Dream” is something we hear about while in our elementary history classes. We have all heard of it but, do we know what it is? Is the “American Dream” some unattainable thought of someone’s misplaced perception of reality? Or is the legendary “American Dream” just a matter of a few steps away from all of us? This dream we know of is not an illusion but a reality, all we must do is work for it.
                Generation after generation, individuals and families have come to this land we call America in high hopes of them becoming a successful life. They come in high hopes of finding a job to support their family back home and in creating a new family here. These generations do not stop here but will only continue for the times to come. The “American Dream” is not something they simply hope to attain one day but are willing to work for it. By whatever means necessary they are willing to work for their dream.
                We all hope to live the “American Dream”; we all want the fancy car with the big house and the beautiful family but are we willing to work for it? When that question is upon us we are quick to answer yes but not all of us pursue our dreams. The few who do pursue their dreams and education sometimes do obtain the dream. The others who do not are the individuals who stay at home talking about the “could of’s” and the “should of’s” to their children and their grandchildren.
                This “American Dream” is different to each of us and this is due to the fact that each person is different. We each yearn for the things that we hope will in return make us happy. To each of us the details of the “American Dream” will differ but we all know that it will rarely come to us. Whatever that dream is to us, we have to take different paths and go through struggles to obtain such dream. Our journey is not going to be easy but it is something we must to.
                In President John F. Kennedy’s inaugural address on Friday, January 20, 1961 he said, “Ask not what your country can do for you- ask what you can do for your country.” President Kennedy knew success will not be given to just any person but is something one must work for. The “American Dream” is not an illusion; it is something we all can obtain.